salmon burger! |
Unfortunately, Ari never made it to Missoula that night because a nasty pothole gave her a flat tire, halting her progress in the middle of a powerful thunderstorm. She chose to spend the night safely in her car and get to a garage the next morning. Meanwhile in Missoula, I befriended Tim, the wayward firefighter, and we explored the Thursday Missoula nightlife together. The night was rather uneventful except for a few nuggets which I will share with you. In a bar that was hosting a trivia night, a young woman asked me for antonyms of the word humble. I offered proud and boastful to which she replied, "Oh really? I had come up with meek... aren't those the opposite of humble?" I guess they can't all be winners. In addition to certain people's low IQs, trivia night also taught me that Charlie Sheen's real name is Carlos Esteves. Weird.
Salad! |
The next day I reunited with Ari, and we partook in a delicious sendoff brunch before we traveled to Yellowstone. I ordered a delectable combination of salmon burger, creamy tomato soup and garden salad. My description does it not justice so I'll post the pictures.
OK. I checked out the Italian guy's blog. THere is great possibility for spoofing there....All in the name of fun, creativity & humility of course! !!